There is not enough recognition for the abuse that goes on in our society. Often times we do not even hear about it because women are too afraid to report it. Raising awareness and trying to help women deal with the abuse they have dealt will hopefully be educating. I have heard stories from friends who have dealt with abusive relationships and until I had heard about them, I didn't think such things happened. A man is supposed to treat a woman with respect and be there to take care of her. Why has it come to the fact that he is doing the total opposite and abusing her? Most men do not see that they are doing anything wrong and don't know why their partner would even think of leaving them. It is hard to say you would never let yourself be in such a relationship until it is you who is actually the one experiencing it first hand.

The Abusive Man and Breaking Up

"No man is worth your tears and the one that is won't make you cry." ~ Brian Littrell

      I am very curioius in learning more about this subject. I have seen and heard of women being in abusive relationships and trying to get out. I have seen them be successful in getting out and others just don't seem to know how to get out. Even after being with the man for years and their behavior never changes, the woman still believes he will change. He may promise to change and the woman giving them the benefit of the doubt, will believe him.
     Many men don't see that abuse is a problem. They justify their actions and don't believe their partner should leave them for abuse. They can be very abusive at one point and then the next they are being charming.  Some women can't leave because of being so dependent on their partner or because they are fearful of what he may do to them. Abuse can be very traumatizing for a woman. It may be hard to leave their partner because they are fearful of being alone.

Sometimes when a woman decides to leave her partner, the abuse becomes worse. There is also a separation process that begins to take place.

There are certain behaviors that an abuser goes through when going through a break up. Not only does this website give information on the behaviors, it gives information on abusive relationships as a whole.

What is Stockholm Syndrome? (Mental Health Guru)
There are many worries and fears when a victim leaves her partner. Promises may be made to the victim that the abuse will never happen again most of the time turn up to be empty promises.

Danger! separation violence. (2011, March 4). Retrieved from

Separation behaviors of abusers. (2008). Retrieved from

The challenges and effects of leaving an abusive situation. (n.d.). Retrieved from

What is stockholm syndrome? (mental health guru) . (2010, November 12). Retrieved from