There is not enough recognition for the abuse that goes on in our society. Often times we do not even hear about it because women are too afraid to report it. Raising awareness and trying to help women deal with the abuse they have dealt will hopefully be educating. I have heard stories from friends who have dealt with abusive relationships and until I had heard about them, I didn't think such things happened. A man is supposed to treat a woman with respect and be there to take care of her. Why has it come to the fact that he is doing the total opposite and abusing her? Most men do not see that they are doing anything wrong and don't know why their partner would even think of leaving them. It is hard to say you would never let yourself be in such a relationship until it is you who is actually the one experiencing it first hand.

Chapters of Interest

~The Abusive Mentality
~How Abuse Begins
~The Abusive Man and Breaking Up

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